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Consistency means to focus. To achieve a goal, one needs to focus on it at present while working for the future as it helps in developing a routine habit, and a proper schedule as small steps repeated on a daily basis leads to achievement sooner or later. Persistence is the key to success. Sometimes, it gets difficult to be consistent because of the human tendency to focus on the outcome more than the process but jumping to a conclusion without knowing the struggle of the journey is an act of foolishness. In short, consistency is all about sticking to a goal in order to achieve it as soon as possible because it allows utilizing the power of intention.

By staying consistent one shows positive performance as well as positive behavior day by day. To be consistent like Jignesh Barasara, one needs to follow a few practices like:

  • · Write your goal on paper and stick it on the wall of your room so that the more times you see it, the more times you will remember your goal.

  • Focus on a long-term goal while keeping short-term goals in mind as to achieve one big goal; you will have to follow small steps. For an instance, to become an IAS officer (Big goal), one has to wake up on time every day (Small step), study hard for 16-18 hours (small step), and so on.

  • Always make realistic goals as they keep you motivated to go ahead and even when you achieve a small part of it then definitely your heart fills with joy.

  • Keep telling yourself and keep reminding yourself that you can do this. Every morning say to yourself "I believe in it and I can do it".

  • Forget about your failures in past and do not let them demotivate you for future goals rather take it as a positive sign and learn from the past and rectify your mistakes.

  • Always jump out of your comfort zone

  • Be in contact with one who always motivates you and stay away from people who demotivate you.



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